
Responsibility towards our stakeholders and surrounding society is an integral part of Berner’s values (work, integrity and humanity), operating methods and management.  The “Our shared responsibilities” sustainability program and its themes and targets guide our day-to-day sustainability development work.  The main themes of our sustainability program are associated with seeing to our personnel’s well-being, ensuring the sustainability of our products, minimising climate and environmental impacts and creating value for our stakeholders. The starting point for all operations is the maintenance of a high level of business ethics and transparency, based on our Code of Conduct for employees and suppliers.

We have set targets for the main themes of our sustainability program. We report annually on their achievement in our sustainability report that is published as part of our annual report. We are a member of the UN Global Compact sustainability initiative and are committed to adhering to and promoting its ten generally accepted principles related to human rights, working life, the environment and anti-corruption. We have also estimated the impacts of our operations on the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the 169 targets they comprise.

Constant development of sustainability
We are committed constantly developing our sustainability in order to promote sustainable development. We work to ensure well-being and good living for all of us – also 100 years from now. That is what building a better tomorrow means.